The Bear....

Very happy to say that after being without my car for a week I have now got 'The Bear' back!

I have had an interesting week (just a shame that I missed out on various plans I had in mind, such as the City Day celebrations) meeting various mechanics and 'body-shop' repair guys, mostly Tajiks, and I have enjoyed some Azerbaijani hospitality too - all very exciting!

I have written a lengthy article, with photos, which I will present in the next couple of days - it was too dark to take photographs when I got The Bear returned tonight; yep the mechanic was grafting even on a Sunday (#blameitonrussia).

Join me as I enjoy a celebratory drink (or three!) with my traditional English Sunday Roast dinner.

For now all is good but I must keep an eye on the next 50-75 Km I drive to ensure there are no further problems, so....fingers crossed!
