Trowbridge Course!

In my 'previous life' I was employed as an 'Employability Tutor' for SWRAC, delivering courses to unemployed people to enable them to increase their skills levels and abilities, thus improving their opportunities in the jobs market. As part of these course the 'students' were asked to run an event for charity (events ranged from 'car washes' to lunches and evening dinners at Merley House ("SWRAC HQ")  this particular course, my Trowbridge 201 group , decided to hold a fete/fayre to raise money for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance. They all gave up their free time to provide an entertaining day that raised over £1500. It was a great success, generating publicity in the local press and on the local radio stations. I think everyone enjoyed it!
posted on Facebook by Kayleigh 2015

Tasha and Charmaine

some weird person! (Lewis!!)


one of the 'food stalls'

signed sheet!

framed thank you pic!
