Well....life is full of little surprises - and sometimes very big ones too; the kind of surprise that restores ones faith in human nature!

For those that missed an earlier blog (how very dare you!) I had some 'car issues' last Sunday evening, on  the return journey from my dacha; long story short my car overheated and 'blew' the pump that feeds summer coolant/antifreeze into and through the expansion tank. As is usual in these situations it happened in the middle of nowhere. And at night.

Anyhoo....I managed to continue my journey home in short (15-20 Km) stages by pulling over to allow the engine to cool and topping up the coolant. Until I ran out of coolant, and had to start using water. In the meantime I made an emergency repair - after being very lucky not to be scalded by 120C water when the pump 'exploded' (almost in my face - literally!), spraying water everywhere!

Having made my 'running repairs'  I had been able to allow the engine to cool and continue homewards........until.......I lost all oil pressure too! Now, "your's truly" was stuck 16 Kms from home, with the ever-faithful 'Fella' - plus shed-loads of things that I couldn't leave in the car so would have to carry! And that is when, after 45 minutes I was 'rescued'! A small truck pulled over to assist and, unable to fix the problem, the driver then towed me all the way home! But wait.....for t'is not all!

The next day he arranged to tow me to one of his 'trusted mechanics! Having been towed, and leaving Bear in a safe place (cameras!) I waited for his call. His michanic(!) checked 'Bear' and gave his verdict..........then 'Ramil' went away and bought the parts I needed!


Branch pipe

After a couple of days I received the call to say that the new pump had been fitted, along with hoses and branch pipe, and that I had a seal and gasket that needed repairing as the oil had 'escaped' from around the block, but all had been repaired -  I was sooooo happy! Until.....no, it was not the seals and gasket - I needed a knew head cover because mine had cracked (due to overheating), plus Oil was where it shouldn't be - and so was coolant! This needed "specialist work"; so off we went on a mission! Now I am towed to another mechanic, an older guy (retired I think) previously worked for UAZ (my Bear is this make!), and who said he would repair it for me - he loves these vehicles so much!

new pump fitted

New rocker cover

New fan belt

New master water pump

I collected Bear last night, at about 2100, after the mechanic had 'phoned to say it was ready! I am now very happy to be back on the road, although it is possible that there will be further leaks due to new hoses being fitted (clips might need tightening!) - so I must keep checking!

I have met several interesting people, from mechanics in small workshops to 'cosmetic repairers' and sprayers, from paint shops who will mix you new coatings to auto-shops for spares, and the main dealer too!

What an interesting life I am leading!
