It's been a while......

Hello again!

It has been a while since my last blog - caused mainly by 'car issues' which prevented me from enjoying my planned holiday visits to places of interest for me to blog about! (Also a lack of time!).

And now I am back (until FB block my link again!)!

So, what have I been up to you may ask........

I will start with this interesting day..........

I had the honour of sitting on a panel of judges for an International Food festival!

There were 10 Dessert dishes from 10 Countries on offer, for which I abandoned all hope of maintaining my svelte figure! 

The food was superb, as was the entertainment, here.......take a look:

The Judges

The judges, again!

The Spanish offer

The Hungarian team

The beautiful dancer from the Italian team!

The Beautiful Italian team's dancer (again!)

Judges conversing with entrants

Still smiling!

And....still going strong!

This was my favourite - the Spanish entry was a classic - simple cheesecake with a sangria to accompany!
I gained a few new friends and a few extra kilograms - but it was a superb day!

(I hope you enjoyed that, but I bet you didn't enjoy it as much as I did!!!!!!)
