An unusual chicken dish!

Get your fresh chicken and ingredients ready - lemons, peppers, garlic, shallots, carrots (not shown) seasonings and spices - and don't forget a good sharp knife!

ready to start preparing

Remove the tops and de-seed the peppers, zest the lemon and reserve to one side, then quarter, halve one of the garlic bulbs and peel & separate the cloves  of the other, quarter the shallots and carrots.

ingredients prepared

stuff equal amounts of garlic, shallot, lemon, carrots, into the peppers (not shown) until the peppers are full

stuffed and zested chicken

stuff the chicken's cavity with the two stuffed peppers, use up the remaining vegetables to fill the cavity; season the chicken and sprinkle over the lemon zest

stuffed chicken

ready to roast

place the chicken onto prepared potatoes in a heated roasting tin

roasted chicken over roasted potatoes
roast chicken and potatoes at 180C until the potatoes are browned and juices run clear from the chicken (check the thigh, the thickest part of the bird!) - times will vary dependent on size and weight of the bird and its filling! 


Portion out according to how many people you are feeding - I made 4 large portions from this one, I then made a soup from the carcass and 'leftovers'!

