Potato-topped herby chicken'n'mushroom pie

I had a couple of hours of free time this afternoon, so I walked Fella home, had some lunch, and then caught the tram back to work for my evening's classes!

Oh yes, and I made this:
four portions!

! diced chicken fillet into a pan with a little oil, to seal it, followed by a sliced large onion and about 300g of sliced mushrooms; stir it around and add a little salt and cracked rainbow peppercorns, 2 tablespoons of smetana and 2 teaspoons of English mustard.

Meanwhile I washed and sliced some potatoes ( not peeled - extra fibre!) and blanched them off. Transfer the "chick mix" to a small roasting tray, stirred it around to even out the ingredients, tasted and then adjusted the seasoning.

I placed two layers of potatoes over the top of the mixture, before drizzling with olive oil and sprinkling it with smoked paprika and dried mixed herbs; into the oven at 170C until the potatoes reach the desired colour!

It is now in the bottom of my fridge to chill down so that I can cut it into four portions!
